Executive Volunteer & QLD Representative (RN, RM, BN, PostGradDip Mid, MMid)
Midwife of 15 years, and currently works at a private hospital in Brisbane. She is also a childbirth and perinatal loss educator, wife, and mother to 7 children – 4 in heaven and 3 on earth. She has previously been a Parent Supporter with SIDS & Kids Victoria (now called Red Nose), and is a current member of the Perinatal Society of Australia & New Zealand Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Alliance (PSANZ-SANDA). Paula is a Sessional Academic at ACU and University Sunshine Coast, presenting lectures to student midwives and paramedics about stillbirth and pregnancy loss, and what health professionals can do to help. She also facilitates perinatal grief and loss workshops for CAPERS Bookstore. Paula is passionate about childbirth and perinatal loss education, helping break taboos around stillbirth and miscarriage, and empowering women to get to know their babies during pregnancy. Paula’s passion for perinatal loss support and education was promoted originally by her own experience. Her second daughter, Annabelle, was stillborn at 41 weeks in 2005 as a result of a silent massive feto-maternal haemorrhage. Another daughter, Bethany, was stillborn at 17 weeks in 2007, cause unknown.